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%hmccosmetics_using_<id>% - Returns true or false depending on if the player is using that cosmetic or not. <id> = The ID of the cosmetic in your configuration.

%hmccosmetics_current_<type>_<data>% - Returns the current cosmetic the player is using. <type> = HELMET, BACKPACK, OFFHAND, CHESTPLATE, LEGGINGS, BOOTS. <data> can be material, custommodeldata, name, lore or permission.

%hmccosmetics_unlocked_<id>% - Returns a true or false if a user can equip that cosmetic.

%hmccosmetics_equipped_<id>% - Returns true or false depending if a player has a certain cosmetic equipped.

%hmccosmetics_equipped_<slot>% - Returns true or false depending if a player has a cosmetic equipped in a slot

%hmccosmetics_wardrobe-enabled% - Returns if the player is currently inside of the wardrobe